Introduction to visual Basic: Hardware requirements, features of VB, Editions of Visual Basic, and Event Driven Programming vs procedure oriented programming. Introduction to Integrated DevelopmentEnviroment. Basic concepts of Visual Basic programming: Controls, properties, methods, events, forms,projects. Creating Executable files.Variables, constants, data types, data conversion function., scope of variables Operators ControlStructure : Conditional / branching statements : If...else..endif, Select case Looping statements: do..while, for.. next, for each, exiting a loop, goto statement, msgbox and input box functions.

Arrays: types of arrays, array manipulation, Working with standard controls. Working with control array, various key and mouse events, using drag and drop concepts.Procedure and Functions: types of function, library function, date and time function, format function,and string related function, validation function. Creating user defined function & procedure, call by valueand call by reference, concept of recursion, working with basic module, class module and form module.

Working with Advanced Controls: toolbar, status bar, tabbed dialog controls, progress bar, animation controls, dtpicker, calendar, common dialog control.SDI & MDI Application: creating MDI application, menu editor: defining menu & popup menu, submain, startup objects. Working with graphics control and using grphic methods.

Error Handling: Types of errors, error trapping tools: watch window, local window, immediate window,debug menu, tracing program flow with call stack, the err object, error function, error handling routines :on error goto statements.File Handling: type of file handling, Sequential file handling: reading, writing and appending in file,understanding user defined data type, Random access file: reading, writing and appending in file.

Data Access Using the ADO Data Control: Basic concepts of relational database, visual data manager,introduction to SQL, concept of ODBC, Overview of DAO and RDO, Using DAO and RDO to accessdata. ADO features, difference among ADO, DAO and RDO, accessing and manipulating database usingADO, ADO object hierarchy, concept of recordset and its type, connection object, command object.Data Environment: accessing data using data environment, using Datagrid, Data combo, data list,MSHFlexgrid.Report Generation: Overview of Data Report, creating Data report, adding groups, using data reportfunctions. Introduction to Crystal Report Writer.