Control Structure (Conditional - IF-ELSE)


VB.Net ถ้ามีคำสั่ง
In case of If-Then block, the condition is first checked. The condition can either be True or False. If it is True, the statements inside the If-Then block is executed. Otherwise, it does not execute the code in the If-Then block, the If-Then structure is skipped. It starts executing the statements just after the 'End if' phrase.       

                If Condition Then
                End If

Example: To check if the number is positive.

Dim num1 As Integer

num1 = 30
If num1 > 0 Then
    Print "The number is positive"
End If 

Output: The number is positive.

Single Line version of If-Then

Single line and single statement 
If a > 0 Then b = 1

Single line and multiple statements
If a > 0 Then b = 1: c = 2


VB.Net ถ้า ... คำสั่งอื่นAn If-Else block has two parts. If the condition is True then the first part is executed, otherwise the control goes to the second part and starts executing the lines of statements in the second part of the If-Else block.
              If Condition Then
              End If

If Condition is true then statements1 will be executed and if Condition is false, statements2 will be executed. 

Example: To print the largest number.

Dim num1 As Integer, num2 As Integer

num1 = 30
num2 = 50
If num1 > num2 Then
    Print num1
    Print num2
End If

Output: 50

Single line version of If-Else

If a > 0 Then b = 1 Else b = 0

In the next lesson, you'll learn more about the if-else statements.


If you have programmed in other languages, you might probably know about nested if-else control flow block. In VB it is the same concept. See the syntax and the examples to capture the concept. 

In if-else-if, the structure is little changed, little advanced better to say, from the simple If-Block. Here if the first condition does not satisfy, it looks for the next condition preceded by the ElseIf term, if that too does not satisfy, it looks for the next, and it goes on until the end of the structure.
                       If Condition Then
                       ElseIf Condition then
                       ElseIf Condition Then
                      End If


a = Val(InputBox("Enter a no."))

If a > 0 Then
    Print "Positive"
ElseIf a < 0 Then
    Print "Negative"
    Print "Zero"
End If

In a nested if-else block, one If-Block can reside in another. See the example below.


In Nested-if-Else, the structure is little changed, little advanced better to say, from the simple If-Block. Here if the first condition does not satisfy, it looks for the next condition preceded by the ElseIf term, if that too does not satisfy, it looks for the next, and it goes on until the end of the structure.
                       If Condition Then
                               If Condition Then
                               ElseIf Condition then
                               End If
                                If Condition Then
                               ElseIf Condition then
                               End If

                      End If


'If-statement inside another if-statement 

Dim a As Integer

a = Val(txtNumber.Text)

If a > 0 Then
    Print "Positive"
    If a > 2 Then
        Print "Greater than 2"
        Print "Less than 2"
    End If
    If a < 0 Then
        Print "Negative"
    End If
End If

Select Case Blocks

The Select Case block provides an efficient way for decision making which is used to execute one block of statement(s) among a list of statement blocks according to the determined value of an expression. The expression is preceded by the "Select Case" phrase. The choices are made based on the value of this expression.

      Select Case expression
      Case value0
      Case value1
      Case value2
      Case else
      End select


Dim num As Integer

num = Val(Text1.Text)
Select Case num
Case 0
    Print "You have entered zero"
Case 1
    Print "You have entered one"
Case 2
    Print "You have entered two"
Case Else
    Print "The number you entered is greater than 2"
End Select

One block of statement(s) will be executed depending upon the value of num.

If num=0 then, Case 0 will be evaluated and if num =1 then Case 1 will be evaluated.

See the other forms of Select Case Structure in the following programs.


Dim score As Integer

score = Val(Text1.Text)
Select Case score
Case 900 To 1000
    Print "First position"
Case 800 To 899
    Print "Second position"
Case 700 To 799
    Print "Third position"
Case Else
    Print "No position, try again"
End Select


Dim num As Integer

num = Val(Text1.Text)
Select Case num
Case Is > 0
    Print "Positive number"
Case Is < 0
    Print "Negative number"
Case 0
    Print "Zero"
End Select


Select Case value

    Case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
        Print "The values are 0,1,2,3,4,5"
    Case Else
        Print "Other values"

End Select