1] Using the mouse, double click on SETUP.EXE (See Below!)

2] Select Workstation Tools and Components. Using the mouse, select the Next button.  (See Below!)

3] Short Wait! (See Below!)

4] Using the mouse, push/select the Next Button.  (See Below!)

5] Read the license. Select Accept if you do not wish to quit. Using the mouse, push/select the Next Button. (See Below!)

6] Enter the proper sequence as designated by the Readme.txt file. Enter your name and company if you like. Using the mouse, push/select the Next Button. (See Below!)

7] Select Install Visual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition. Using the mouse, push/select the Next Button. (See Below!)

8] Select a different folder if you like; I do not! Using the mouse, push/select the Next Button.(See Below!)

9] Another Short Wait (See Below!)

10] Using the mouse, push/select the Continue Button.  (See Below!)

11] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button.  (See Below!)

12] Using the mouse, push/select the Custom Button.  (See Below!)

13] Using the mouse, push/select the Select All Button. (See Below!)

14] Using the mouse, push/select the Continue Button. 

15] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button.  (See Below!)
16] Long Wait (See Below!)

17] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

18] Using the mouse, select/push the Restart Windows button.  (See Below!)

19] Long Wait (See Below!)

20] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

21] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

22] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

23] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

24] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

25] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

26] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)

27] Using the mouse, push/select the OK Button. (See Below!)