Error Handling

Error Handling enables programmers to write clearer, more robust, more fault-tolerant programs. Error handling enables the programmer to attempt to recover (i.e., continue executing) from infrequent fatal errors rather than letting them occur and suffering the consequences (such as loss of application data). If an error is severe and recovery is not possible, the program can be exited "gracefully"-all files can be closed and notification can be given that the program is terminating. The recovery code is called an error handler.
Error handling is designed for dealing with synchronous errors such as an attempt to divide by 0 (that occurs as the program executes the divide instruction). Other common examples of synchronous errors are memory exhaustion, an out-of-bound array index, and arithmetic overflow. Error handling provides the programmer with a disciplined set of capabilities for dealing with these types of errors.

Error Categories
There are three main types of errors that could occur while your application is being used:
  1. Syntax Errors: A syntax error comes from your mistyping a word or forming a bad expression in your code. It could be that you misspelled a keyword such as ByVel instead of ByVal. It could also be a bad expression. Examples are:

    524+ + 62.55

  2. Run-Time Errors: After all syntax errors have been fixed, the program may be ready for the user. The time period a person is using an application is called run-time. There are different types of problems that a user may face when interacting with your program. For example, imagine that, in your code, you indicate that a picture would be loaded and displayed to the user but you forget to ship the picture or the directory of the picture indicated in your code becomes different when a user opens your application. In this case, when you compiled and executed the application in your machine, everything was fine. This is a type of run-time error.
    Run-time errors are mostly easy to fix because you will know what the problem is occurring and why.
  3. Logic Errors: These are errors that don't fit in any of the above categories. They could be caused by the user misusing your application, a problem with the computer on which the application is running while the same application is working fine in another computer. Because logic errors can be vague, they can also be difficult to fix.
Dealing with errors at run-time is a two step process:
  1. Trap the Error 
    Before you can deal with an error, you need to know about it. You use VB's On Error statement to setup an error trap.
  2. Handle the Error 
    Code in your error handler may correct an error, ignore it, inform the user of the problem, or deal with it in some other way. You can examine the properties of the Err object to determine the nature of the error. Once the error has been dealt with, you use the Resume statement to return control to the regular flow of the code in the application.

Trapping Errors at Run-Time
Before you can do anything to deal with a run-time error, you need to capture the error. You use the On Error statement to enable an error trap. On Error will redirect the execution in the event of a run-time error. There are several forms of the On Error statement:
  • On Error Goto label 
    This form of the On Error statement redirects program execution to the line label specified. When you use this form of On Error, a block of error handling code is constructed following the label.
  • On Error Resume Next 
    This form of the On Error statement tells VB to continue with the line of code following the line where the error occurred. With this type of error trap, you would normally test for an error at selected points in the program code where you anticipate that an error may occur.
  • On Error Goto 0 
    On Error Goto 0 disables any error handler within the current procedure. A run-time error that occurs when no error handler is enabled or after an On Error Goto 0 is encountered will be handled using VB's default error handling logic.

Example : Division by Zero
Private Sub CmdCalculate_Click()
Dim firstNum, secondNum As Double
firstNum = Txt_FirstNumber.Text
secondNum = Txt_SecondNumber.Text
On Error GoTo error_handler
Lbl_Answer.Caption = firstNum / secondNum
Exit Sub        'To prevent error handling even the inputs are valid

Lbl_Answer.Caption = "Error"
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = True
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Caption = " You attempt to divide a number by zero!Try again!"

End Sub

Private Sub Txt_FirstNumber_GotFocus()

Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub Txt_SecondNumber_GotFocus()
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = False
End Sub

Building Error Handlers
1.    Trapping an error using the On Error statement is only the first step in dealing with run-time errors in your code. You must also deal with the error in some way, even if the error handling code is as simple as ignoring the error (a perfectly valid approach in some situations) or displaying a message for the user.
2.    The first step in handling an error is determining the nature of the error. This is accomplished by examining the properties of Visual Basic's Err object. The Err object includes the following properties:
·         Number 
This is the error number that was raised.

·         Description 
This contains a descriptive message about the error. Depending on the error, the description may or may not be useful. (Microsoft Access, for example, has the the infamous error message "There is no message for this error.")

·         Source 
The Source property tells you what object generated the error.

·         HelpContext 
If a help file has been defined for the component that raised the error, this property will give you the help context ID. You can use this property along with the HelpFile property to display context sensitive help for errors in your application or as a debugging aid.

·         HelpFile 
This is the name of the help file that contains additional information about the error (if a help file has been provided).

3.    Once you have trapped and handled the error, you need to tell Visual Basic where to continue with program execution. There are several options available when an error handling block is entered using On Error Goto label:
·         Resume 
The Resume statement tells VB to continue execution with the line that generated the error.

·         Resume Next 
Resume Next instructs Visual Basic to continue execution with the line following the line that generated the error. This allows you to skip the offending code.

·         Resume label 
This allows you to redirect execution to any label within the current procedure. The label may be a location that contains special code to handle the error, an exit point that performs clean up operations, or any other point you choose.

·         Exit 
You can use Exit Sub, Exit Function, or Exit Property to break out of the current procedure and continue execution at whatever point you were at when the procedure was called.

·         End 
This is not recommended, but you can use the End statement to immediately terminate your application. Remember that if you use End, your application is forcibly terminated. No Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event procedures will be fired. This is the coding equivalent of a gunshot to the head for your application.

Example: Nested Error Handling Procedure

Private Sub CmdCalculate_Click()
Dim firstNum, secondNum As Double
On Error GoTo error_handler1
firstNum = Txt_FirstNumber.Text
secondNum = Txt_SecondNumber.Text
On Error GoTo error_handler2
Lbl_Answer.Caption = firstNum / secondNum
Exit Sub 'To prevent errror handling even the inputs are valid

Lbl_Answer.Caption = "Error"
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = True
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Caption = " You attempt to divide a number by zero!Try again!"
Exit Sub
Lbl_Answer.Caption = "Error"
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = True
Lbl_ErrorMsg.Caption = " You are not entering a number! Try again!"

End Sub

Private Sub Txt_FirstNumber_GotFocus()

Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub Txt_SecondNumber_GotFocus()

Lbl_ErrorMsg.Visible = False
End Sub